a bunch of people highly interested in the functions of our HOLY NOSE.=)
Main structure
The Nose, is an organ of smell, and also part of the apparatus of respiration and voice. It can be divided into an external portion - the visible projection portion, to which the term nose is popularly restricted and an internal portion- consisting of two principal cavities (nasal fossae) separated from each other by a vertical septum, and subdivided by spongy or turbinated bones that project from the outer wall into three passages (meatuses), with which various sinuses in the ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, and superior maxillary bones communicate by narrow openings.
The margins of the nostrils are usually lined with a number of stiff hairs (vibrissae) that project across the openings and serve as a filter in the passage of foreign substances, such as dust and small insects, which might otherwise be drawn up with the current of air intended for respiration.
The skeleton, or framework, of the nose is partly composed of the bones forming the top and sides of the bridge, and partly of cartilages. On either side are an upper lateral and a lower lateral cartilage, to the latter of which are attached three or four small cartilaginous plates, termed sesamoid cartilages. The cartilage of the septum separates the nostrils and, in association posteriorly with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and with the vomer, forms a complete partition between the right and left nasal fossae.
The nasal fossae, which constitute the internal part of the nose, are lofty and of considerable depth. They open in front through the nostrils and behind end in a vertical slit on either side of the upper pharynx, above the soft palate, and near the orifices of the Eustachian tubes, leading to the tympanic cavity of the ear.
In the olfactory region of the nose the mucous membrane is very thick and colored by a brown pigment. The olfactory nerve, or nerve of smell, terminates in the nasal cavity in several small branches; these ramify in the soft mucous membrane and end in tiny varicose fibers that in turn terminate in elongated epithelial cells projecting into the free surface of the nose
Air normally enters the nose where it is:
1. Warmed
2. Filtered from large particles
3. Moistened
These three functions are performed as the air passes over ridges named the
Superior, middle and inferior conchea and also as the air passes through the folds between the conchea termed the superior, middle and inferior meatus.
All these structures are highly vascularised and moistened by copious amount of mucus. This rich blood supply causes the air to be warmed to almost body temperature. As hot air can contain a higher amount of moisture, the air is also humidified to almost 100% as it passes through the nose.
Apart from heating and moistening the air, the conchea produce turbulence in the incoming air. This turbulence would induce any large particles including dust and bacteria, to stick to the mucus. Thus the air is also filtered as it is passing through the nose. This function is complimented by the presence of hairs at the entrance of the nose that trap the very large particles.
Apart from the "airconditioning" function, the nose accommodates the sense of smell, through the presence of special neuroepithelium . These sensory nerve endings are stimulated by chemicals that dissolve in the moist coating. Vocal sounds are also produced in the nasal cavity thus aiding in vocalisation.
The uppermost portion of the human respiratory system, the nose is a hollow air passage that functions in breathing and in the sense of smell.
The nasal cavity moistens and warms incoming air, while small hairs and mucous filter out harmful particles and microorganisms. This illustration depicts the interior of the human nose.
When smell-producing chemicals come into contact with the upper portion of the nasal passage, the smell is carried by nerve fibres through the roof of the nose into the brain.
Friday, March 07, 2008
hilda here again! ^^ i guess this will be the last post before miss koh comes to our blog? anyway, HELLO MISS KOH! welcome to our blog! do tag and leave comments too if you have any!
back to the nosey topic, today i want to tell you more about something IN our nose, the mucus! a little disgusting i know, but it's still good to learn more on something as common as mucus ^^ anyway, before i start, i would just like to comment, shilei! your previous post's photo is really disgusting! haha. and i like zhjie's previous post, interesting! next time i shall face somewhere bright if i can't sneeze and see if it's true ^^
okay, now to mucus. haha.
Mucus is a slippery secretion of the lining of the mucous membranes in the body. It is a viscous colloid containing antiseptic enzymes (eg lysozyme) and immunoglobulins. Mucus is produced by goblet cells in the mucous membranes that cover the surfaces of the membranes. It is made up of mucins and inorganic salts suspended in water.
maybe some of you have a question in mind, what is phlegm then?
Phlegm is actually a type of mucus that is restricted to the respiratory tract, while the term mucus refers to secretions of the nasal passages as well.
So let's take a look at mucus cells
In the respiratory system, mucus traps small particles such as bacteria and dust, helping to prevent them from entering the body; this occurs especially in the nose. Mucus aids in the protection of the lungs by trapping foreign particles that enter the nose during normal breathing. Additionally, it prevents tissues from drying out. Increased mucus production in the respiratory tract is a symptom of many common illnesses, such as the common cold. The presence of mucus in the nose and throat is normal, but increased quantities can impede comfortable breathing and must be cleared by blowing the nose or expectorating phlegm from the throat. Among the components of nasal mucus are tears.
Nasal mucus is mucus produced by the nasal mucosa. It serves to protect the respiratory tract and trap foreign objects such as dust and pollen before they enter the remainder of the respiratory tract. Nasal mucus is produced continually, and most of it is swallowed subconsciously.
When you're sick...
Generally mucus is clear and thin, serving to filter air during inhalation. During times of infection, mucus can change color to yellow or green either as a result of trapped bacteria, or due to the body's reaction to viral infection. Such colored mucus or phlegm usually has an offensive putrid odor.
Increased mucus production in the respiratory tract is a symptom of many common diseases, such as the common cold. The presence of mucus in the nose and throat is normal, but increased quantities can hinder comfortable breathing and may be cleared by blowing the nose or expectorating excess mucus from the back of the throat. Nasal mucus may also be removed by using traditional methods of nasal irrigation. Excess mucus, as with a cold or allergies may be treated cautiously with decongestant drugs.
of course, mucus can also be found in the digestive and reproductive systems of the body but i shan't elaborate on that because it isn't related to the nose.
but anyway, i hope you have once again, learnt more from this post! ^^ do comment!
posted at
7:08 AM
Hi! This is Shilei here and I am going to blog about nose cancer or nasal cavity cancer. The nasal cavity includes the nostrils, structures inside the nose, and the passageway just behind the nose through which air passes on the way to the throat during breathing. Only a minority of nasal cavity cancers actually originate in this region. The majority are cancers that have migrated from other tissues such as the sinuses(I blogged about it earlier) or the nasopharynx(cavity forming the upper part of the pharynx). posted at
5:09 AM
These cancers arise from flat, thin cells in the epidermis lining the nasal cavity. Other more rare cancers that can arise in the nasal cavity include melanomas (color-making skin cells), and sarcomas (muscle or connective tissue cells).
Chronic exposure to metals like nickel and chromium, and a variety of organic chemicals used in manufacturing greatly increase the risk of developing nose cancer. Early nasal cavity cancer can produce symptoms that are very similar to less serious nasal diseases such as swelling of the sinuses, headache, chronic infections, and/or blurred vision.
Nevertheless, early detection and treatment of nose cancer greatly improves survival rates, so it is important not to neglect potential symptoms. Some important symptoms include:
-blockage or congestion in the nose, often with nose bleeds or a lump in the neck
-Deafness and weakness of one or more of the muscles in the face, tongue or throat (which is caused by damage from the tumor to a group of nerves called the cranial nerves)
Somebody with nose cancer looks something like that, and it's really scary!
Quite disgusting isn't it? Therefore, if you have the above symptoms, you should see the doctor immediately! However, nose cancer can still be treated by surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy depending on the stage and type of cancer.
Check out the link below to read on life stories of people who have survived from nose cancer!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
this is prida, adding on to hilda's post about how a nose shape determines one's character and personality=)
Bulbous tip: You have a preoccupation with saving.
Small tip: You do not consider money important.
Flared nostrils: You are a big spender and an adventurous risk-taker.
Long nose: Routine work is not your speciality.
Short nose: You have a talent for old-fashioned, hard work; but you crave emotional stability. Broad nose: You have stability and a purposeful nature, and a powerful sex drive. Long and narrow nose: You are intelligent, witty and engaging.
Long and broad nose: You have lots of staying power and concentration.
Fat nose: You are optimistic and are usually good in business.
Ski-jump nose: You are intuitive. Arched: You are elegant and creative.
so yeah!what do you belong to?!
and yeah!what is deviated septum all about?have you ever wondered?>.<
let me tell you now!
A deviated septum is a common physical disorder of the nose, involving a displacement of the nasal septum.
Causes It is most frequently caused by impact trauma, such as by a blow to the face.[1] It can also be a congenital disorder, caused by compression of the nose during childbirth.[1]
The nasal septum is the bone and cartilage in the nose that separates the nasal cavity into the two nostrils. The cartilage is called the quarangular cartilage and the bones comprising the septum include the maxillary crest, vomer and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. Normally, the septum lies centrally, and thus the nasal passages are symmetrical. A deviated septum is an abnormal condition in which the top of the cartilaginous ridge leans to the left or the right, causing obstruction of the affected nasal passage. The condition can result in poor drainage of the sinuses. Patients can also complain of difficulty breathing easily, or of sleeping disorders such as snoring or sleep apnea.[2] It is common for nasal septa to depart from the exact centerline; the septum is only considered deviated if the shift is substantial or is adversely affecting the patient. Many people with a deviation are unaware they have it until some discomfort is produced. But by itself a deviated septum can go undetected for years and thus be without any need for correction. Treatment In most cases a deviated septum can be corrected with a minor surgical procedure known as a septoplasty, which enters through the nostrils and cuts away the obtruding matter. The surgery is performed quickly but the patient may take 1-3 weeks to fully recover.
yess,and many korean and hollywood actresses often use deviated septum as a reason for undergoing rhinoplasty!
ok isuppose thats all for today!thankyou!=)
posted at
5:49 AM
Yoohoo.. Its zhijie again and i am going to tell you all about something so common that maybe you all have not ever thought about its occurance. Its SNEEZING!!! posted at
4:30 AM
In certain individuals, sneezing can also be triggered by sudden exposure to bright light. About one out of every three people sneezes when exposed to bright light. They are called photic sneezers (photic means light). It is an inherited trait. However, most people have some sensitivity to light that can help trigger a sneeze.
A somewhat unusual alternative trigger of uncontrollable bursts of sneezing in particular individuals is the fullness of the stomach immediately after a large meal. This is known as snatiation and is regarded as a genetical disorder.
Ever had the feeling that you are about to sneeze, but it just gets stuck? Heres a tip for you. Next time that happens, try looking toward a bright light briefly (but don't look right into the sun) and see yourself sneezing away. ( it really works )
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Hilda here again!^^ yay it's once again time for the daily nosey time. haha. today, i am going to tell you more about nose grease! sounds a little disgusting right but read on to find out more. nose grease can actually be put to good use at certain times! so let's start learning! So bascially, those are the known uses of nose grease. surprising eh? i never knew nose grease could be put to such good use! though everyone dislikes nose grease, it can actually come handy when you need them! so don't always think nose grease is useless and disgusting! you have learnt something more today! well of course i know it's always more interesting to include pictures but i guess it isn't very appropriate to put a picture of an... oily nose? haha so that would be for you to imagine! i tried to make the post as short and simple as possible already, at the same time ensuring that you would be able to absorb what i would like to tell you all about. so i still hope you enjoyed my post! :D not to forget, thanks to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_grease! lastly, remember the post i posted about nose picking a couple of days ago? i found a picture online which is kind of funny and cute and not very disgusting so i shall post it up for the fun of it! ^^
Nose grease has also been used as a lubricant when playing the banjo. It can lubricate fingers for slides with the fingering hand, or to lubricate picks so they do not 'stick' to the strings when playing.
Hilda's signing off! bye ^^
posted at
5:40 AM
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Over the last decade, “electronic sensing” or “e-sensing” technologies have undergone important developments from a technical and commercial point of view. The expression “electronic sensing” refers to the capability of reproducing human senses using sensor arrays and pattern recognition systems. Since 1992, research has been conducted to develop technologies, commonly referred to as electronic noses, that could detect and recognize odors and flavors. These devices have undergone much development and are now used to fulfill industrial needs.
The electronic nose was developed in order to mimic human olfaction that functions as a non-separative mechanism: i.e. an odor / flavor is perceived as a global fingerprint.
Electronic Noses include three major parts: a sample delivery system, a detection system, a computing system.
The sample delivery system enables the generation of the headspace (volatile compounds) of a sample, which is the fraction analyzed. The system then injects this headspace into the detection system of the electronic nose. The sample delivery system is essential to guarantee constant operating conditions.
The detection system, which consists of a sensor set, is the “reactive” part of the instrument. When in contact with volatile compounds, the sensors react, which means they experience a change of electrical properties. Each sensor is sensititive to all volatile molecules but each in their specific way. Most electronic noses use sensor-arrays that react to volatile compounds on contact: the adsorption of volatile compounds on the sensor surface causes a physical change of the sensor. A specific response is recorded by the electronic interface transforming the signal into a digital value. Recorded data are then computed based on statistical models.
How to perform an analysis
As a first step, an electronic nose need to be trained with qualified samples so as to build a database of reference. Then the instrument can recognize new samples by comparing volatile compounds fingerprint to those contained in its database. Thus they can perform qualitative or quantitative analysis.
posted at
5:05 AM
Hello, this is Shilei yet again and I'm going to tell you more about sinusitis or what most people call sinus. The sinus cavity (ostium) opens up into the nasal passages for free exchange of air and mucus. The lining of the sinus have ciliated epithelium (cells with fines hairs) that help move the mucous from the sinus cavities into the nasal passages. If air or secretions get trapped in these blocked sinuses cavities, it may cause pressure on the sinus wall, which will result in pain or a sinusitis attack. When air is prevented from entering the paranasal sinus due to a swollen membrane in the sinus cavity, a vacuum is created which could cause pain. These conditions may be treated by drugs such as pseudophedrine, which reduce moisture in the sinuses, or by traditional techniques of nasal cleaning. posted at
1:05 AM
posted at
12:39 AM
posted at
12:11 AM
What are sinus cavities exactly?
Sinus cavities are natural hollow cavities that are found in the front part of the skull, which are lined with mucous membranes. Each sinus has an opening into the nose for free exchange of air and mucus.
What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses due to a viral, bacterial, fungal infection or allergic reaction. More than 39 million people suffer from this condition every year.
Sinuses are a pair of hollow cavities within the bones of the skull that surround the nasal passages (paranasal sinuses). Sinusitis usually occurs when these cavities become infected due to blockage of the small tubes attached to the nasal passages.
Treatment of Sinuses
The paranasal sinuses are joined to the nasal cavity via small orifices called ostia. These become blocked relatively easily by allergic inflammation, or by swelling in the nasal lining which occurs with a cold. If this happens, normal drainage of mucus within the sinuses is disrupted, and s may sinusitis occur.
Malignancies of the paranasal sinuses comprise approximately 0.2% of all malignancies. About 80% of these malignancies arise in the maxillary sinus. Tumours of the sphenoid and frontal sinuses are extremely rare.
Hello! This is Shilei and I am here to tell you more about nose bleeding. If you thought nose bleeding was a trivial thing and that it is not something that you should bother yourself with, then you are so wrong! Did you know that there are some types of nose bleeding which are very frightening and may even be life threatening? Read on to find out more.
Firstly, nosebleeds are known as epitaxis and there can be classified into two major groups:
The anterior nosebleed:
-these nosebleeds begin in the lower part of the septum, the semi-rigid wall that separates the two nostrils of the nose.
-this septum contains blood vessels that can be broken by a blow to the nose or even by the edge of a sharp fingernail.
-this type of nosebleed comes from the front of the nose and begins with a flow of blood out one nostril when the patient is standing or sitting.
The posterior nosebleed:
-this type of nosebleed happens more rarely
-the nosebleed can develop high and deep within the nose and flow down the back of the mouth and throat even if the person is standing.
Additional causes of nosebleeds include:
-allergies, infections or dryness of the nose that cause itching and lead to picking of the nose
-vigorous nose blowing that ruptures superficial blood vessels in the elderly and young
-clotting disorders that may be hereditary
-fractures of the nose
How to stop a nosebleed then?
These methods can be used to stop a nosebleed.
After this blog entry, I hoped you learn more about nosebleeds and understand that they can be fatal. So, here's Shilei signing off!
SORRY FOR THE UNCLARITY OF THE PICTURE=( but you can just press on the picture to see it clearer.so sorry!D:
HELLO!=)this is pridaa!=)yeah!I'm here to tell you more about THE NOSE. hmm,have you ever wondered what causes your cold?
yeah,A common cold is an illness caused by a virus infection located in the nose. == Colds also involve the sinuses, ears, and bronchial tubes.
The symptoms of a common cold include sneezing, runny nose, nasal obstruction, sore or scratchy throat, cough, hoarseness, and mild general symptoms like headache, feverishness, chilliness, and not feeling well in general. =
Colds last on average for one week. Mild colds may last only 2 or 3 days while severe colds may last for up to 2 weeks.>.< posts=")" src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/COMPAQ%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-4.jpg" alt="">
Monday, March 03, 2008
Hi. This is zhijie and i am going to tell you more about your nose again.
I was inspired to write this post by an incident that i witnessed today. i was on the MRT train when i witnessed an old man digging his nose. I was disgusted by the sight but at the same time, i realised that i had never found out more about the disgusting stuff ( nose dirt ) present in my nose even though it has been with me for more than 15 years.
The more cultured term for nose dirt is BOOGER. To understand what boogers are, you need to know about mucus. Mucus is the sticky, slimy stuff that's made inside your nose. Your nose make about a litre of mucus everyday but most of it is being swallowed by you subconciously.
Mucus has a pretty important job - it protects the lungs. When you breathe in air through your nose, it contains lots of tiny things, like dust, dirt, germs, and pollen. If all these made it to the lungs, the lungs could get irritated and infected, making it difficult to breathe. Luckily, mucus helps filter the inhaled air and trap these stuff ( dust etc ), keeping it in the nose and out of the lungs.
After these stuff gets trap inside the nose, the mucus surrounds it. Hairs in your nose ( cilia ) help move the mucus and the trapped stuff towards the front of the nose or the back of the throat. When the mucus, dirt and other debris in the nose dry up and clump together, you're left with a booger. Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough and crumbly. Everybody gets them, so they are no big deal. In fact, boogers are a sign that your nose is working the way it should!
If you have to get rid of boogers in your nose, i suggest that you blow them out of your nose and onto a tissue. Picking your nose is not a very good idea because boogers contain lots of germs and bacteria. Furthermore, poking your fingers around in your nose can cause it to bleed. ( you should never do that to a baby )
Yeah! The next time when you people are picking out boogers from your noses, hope you all will remember how they are being formed.
I have reached the end of my post. Hope u all have learned more about the nose and the common substance in it that is found in each and everyone of us.
Info adapted from:
posted at
7:29 AM
hey Hilda here for 4th post. (: i'm so tired but it's okay, there's always a time to be nosey each day so i shall once again give you more information about the nose! posted at
7:18 AM
to make it more interesting, i decided to talk about something more, ... sensitive today! haha. it's actually a very common thing but is an action deemed as "not very polite" to perform in public. however, i think that everyone is curious to know more about it so i will talk about it today. :D okay, i shan't make you all irritated and just tell you what i am going to tell you about. it's ... nose picking! ^^
So first, is a simple introduction provided by wikipedia.
Nose-picking (rhinotillexis) is the act of extracting mucus and/or foreign bodies from the nose with a finger or other object. This is an extremely common habit, with some surveys indicating that it is almost universal, with people picking their nose an average of about four times a day.
Haha, it's really funny to be reading this, i don't know why ^^ but anyway, now i shall continue to move on to the formation of mucus in our nose.
The mucus membranes constantly produce wet mucus that is exposed to the air. Once dried, the mucus typically causes a sensation of irritation that leads to the compulsion to dislodge the itch via rhinotillexis.
Of course, too much nose picking is bad. It is said that extreme nose picking results in severe nasal trauma (termed as rhinotillexomania) and may be caused by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
So now, it's the social issues regarding nose picking. (:
Although a very common habit, it is a mildly taboo subject in most cultures. While nose picking appears to be an almost universal practice amongst humans, the observation of the activity in another commonly provokes the basic emotion of disgust.
After all this information, i found some facts about nose picking online too. there are kind of funny, i feel. so enjoy reading them!
okay, back to the more scientific part.
Nose-picking may carry a number of medical risks, thus most doctors encourage the use of a tissue instead. Risks include nasal infections, occasional nosebleeds and in rare cases, perforation of the nasal septum.
Nose picking, however, should not affect the sense of smell, as the nasal cavity where the olfactory nerves are located are too high up to reach. Also, due to the special nature of the blood supply to the nose and surrounding area, it is possible for retrograde infections from the nasal area to spread to the brain, although this scenario is unlikely to arise from normal rhinotillexisis. For this reason, the area from the corners of the mouth to the bridge of the nose, including the nose and maxilla, is known to doctors as the "danger triangle of the face."
So now, are you more informed on nose picking? haha i know it is weird to discuss about nose picking but i thought it was such a common thing related to our precious nose which many people do. hence, it would be better to include it in one of my posts. i hoped you learnt something new! you may think this post is slightly boring as there are no pictures. well, i did find one but it is ... a little weird to post a picture of someone nose picking, so i better not! :D to end off, i would like to say, nose picking may be something many people would be shy to talk about so i hope my post would allow you to be more informed! other than this post being funny, i hope you will also learn from it! ^^
information provided by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose-picking ^^
Sunday, March 02, 2008
hi all. this is zhijie and i am gonna tell you all more about nose piercing. Personally, i do not like nose piercing at all. i feel that 2 holes on my nose is sufficient enough -nostrils :)
Nose piercing is the piercing of the skin or cartilage which forms any part of the nose, normally for the purpose of wearing jewelry. There are many different forms of nose piercing, mainly from the most common nostril piercing, to the less common nasal septum piercing and bridge piercing. Picture on the right shows a combination of nostril and nasal septum piercing consisting of 3 holes. (yucks, thats like inserting a satay stick right through the nose)
Traditionally, nostril piercing is often associated with religious practices of Hinduism in India. (now i know why so many indian women in singapore have nose piercing) In India, the positions of piercings on the nose are of different significance. (E.g. piercing the outside of the right nostril is supposed to make childbirth easier) Nose piercing was also regarded as a mark of beauty and social standing in India.
However, since the 1960s, nostril piercing is no longer just associated with the indian culture. Nostril piercing was made popular in the western states and other more developed countries ( people influenced by the hippie culture) It was regarded as a form of fashion and also as a form of body art. Therefore, it is still very common in the modern society and in all parts of the world.
The nasal septum piercing is the most painful of the 3 forms of nose piercing that I mentioned earlier on. Typically, the piercing takes place through the small gap between the cartilage of the nasal septum and the bottom of the nose ( refer to anatomy of nose ) The piercing would look like a bull ring between the nostrils. In the past, such piercing was popular among certain Native Americans.
Last but not least is the bridge piercing. It is a body piercing through the small flap of skin at the top of the nose, usually directly between the eyes, though never through the bone. There is a high chance of rejection by the body for this kind piercing, as it is a surface piercing. There is also a high risk of having scars on the skin surface when jewelry is being removed from the pierced hole. However, bridge piercing is a minor piercing carrying very few complications with no impact to the eyes. ( i advise people not to do this form of piercing unless they are risk takers )
haha. even kelly clarkson and other famous people have nose piercing too. ( though i think they will look even better without them )
this is zhijie signing off. hope you people have again learned more about that special sensory organ on your body.
info adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_piercing
posted at
7:18 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
& a class II nose looks like this! Here's how a class III nose should look likeClass IV: The Hawk nose, which is very convex, and preserves its convexity like a bow. It is thin and sharp & here's a class IV nose Class V: The Snub nose Presenting... a class V nose! Finally, a class VI nose So after finding out what class your nose belonged to in the past, it's time to do some reading! :D well, i actually feel it isn't really right to classify people through the shapes of their noses as this in inborn and would appear rather unfair. but it is obvious how the mindsets of people change as the society changes. Do you realise that noses like the class VI nose would actually be viewed as a sharp and pretty nose in our society? people do plastic surgery to make their nose more pointy & in the past it was in class VI, the lowest class! then again, noses like the class III nose would be seen as a big nose which many would choose not to have right? & surprisingly, it was in class III, the middle class! i think it's kind of interesting to think that people's mindsets and thinking can change drastically as the society changes. :D Oh another interesting thing for you all to know would be, people who are famous for their noses! you may or may not know them but if you are interested, you can search more about them online! I shall just list down some of them ^^(i underlined the more famous ones!) To end off, i shall tell you a little more interesting facts about the significance of noses in societies. In the Western world, some people choose to get rhinoplasty to change the aesthetic appearance of their nose. Nose piercings are also common, such as nostril, septum or bridge. Oh yes, just to add on, according to the source, The factual accuracy of part of this article is disputed. anyway, if you want to find out more, source is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_nose. (: Hope you learnt more about the nose once again! -hilda
Class I: The Roman, or Aquiline nose, which is rather convex, but undulating as its name aquiline imports.Aquiline is a word that means a "nose hooked like a bird's".
Class II: The Greek or Straight nose, which is perfectly straight.
Class III: The Nubian, or Wide-nostrilled nose, wide at the end, thick and broad, gradually widening from below the bridge.
Class VI: The Turn-up or Celestial nose, with a continuous concavity from the eyes to the tip
In New Zealand, nose pressing (hongi) is a traditional greeting amongst Maori people, however is now generally confined to certain traditional celebrations.
The dispute is about Nasology, which has been described as "an extended joke at the expense of Phrenology" .
posted at
10:45 PM
hello! Hilda is here for another post :D Okay, i summarized the origin of Nasal irrigation below. Nasal irrigation is an ancient Ayurvedic technique known as Jala neti (which literally means nasal cleansing in Sanskrit), where the practitioner uses a neti pot to perform the irrigation. The irrigation-specific elements of jala neti are starting to be recognized by Western medicine under the term nasal irrigation to treat a variety of conditions. Why do people do nasal irrigation? Of course it has its own benefits right? So below are certain benefits which nasal irrigation bring about. To summarize, nasal irrigation can purportedly: Sounds good eh? However, there are potential problems relating to Nasal irrigation too but i shall only focus on the advantages for this post. Still, you can find out more about the negative effects it may bring if you are interested, from the source provided at the bottom of this post. After reading so much on nasal irrigation, it's video time! maybe you still don't know what nasal irrigation really is like so here is this video which shows you the process! posted at
8:56 PM
yes,im here again to contribute to my second post, this is a very interesting post about Amazing Dog Noses!this is PRIDA! Distemper can permanently alter the nasal glands. So, a dog who suffers from distemper early in life may have a perpetually dry nose. andwhy are dog noses cold?old normally goes along with wet, which I heard has something to do with convection cooling, or some such law of physics, which I've long forgotten. So, if a dog's nose dries out (see above), it will feel warm to the touch. This is OK, as long as the nose gets wet again. However, a chronically dry nose could be sign of illness and should be seen by a vet. Dog noses are hard to fool!We know that dogs have traditionally been used for tracking, search and rescue due to their keen sense of smell. A dog's sense of smell is about 40,000 times better than ours, and that's not all. You can't throw a dog off by "covering up" one smell with another. A study was done in which a number of different objects were sprayed with skunk odor, and trained tracking dogs were still able to distinguish the objects from each other! So forget about trying to fool Fido! Here's another intriguing story about the dog's famous sense of smell: A yellow lab named Parker wasn't a trained "nose dog", but liked to sniff everything, all the time. Then he began to constantly sniff a blemish on his owner's leg, which had been there for a number of years. The dog was pushing his nose hard into the area, and really concentrating. So, the owner decided to have it looked at. The skin specialist immediately detected the early signs of skin cancer, and ordered the blemish removed immediately. Once the lesion was gone, Parker lost interest in the leg! Similar stories have reportedly led doctors in the US to train dogs to "sniff out" skin cancer. Apparently, dogs can detect skin cancer long before any conventional methods can!! More recently, dogs have been given urine samples from cancer victims to see if they can also smell bladder and prostate cancer. The results have been promising. okay,thats all for today!=) love,prida!
posted at
9:58 AM
HELLOOO.and this is prida!=) im here to tell you more about nose job, aka, rhinoplasty! In some cases, the surgeon may shape a small piece of the patient's own cartilage or bone to strengthen or increase the structure of the nose, this also helps some shooting pains that may occur. Sometimes this is done for cosmetic reasons (to improve the shape of the nasal tip, for example), or it ma kened. Alloplastic synthetic materials are often associated with long-term complications such as migration and extrusion. Alternatively, cartilage from the septum, ea lets look at some jennifer grey's before and after pictures! Jennifer Grey, actress from the movie Dirty Dancing, had a nose job to remove the bump on her nose. and lets look at high school musical actress ... let us now take a look at Micheal jackson's nose job... he had about 30-40 nosejobs. Complications of rhinoplasty may be divided into 4 basic categories as follows: Disarticulation of upper lateral cartilage(Intraoperative) Airway obstruction( Immediate postoperative (in the recovery ward) Nasal valve collapse(Late postoperative complications) posted at
9:12 AM
hello! yay, I'm Hilda here (: 1) Though occasional episodes of nasal obstruction may be a nuisance to adults, it can actually be life threatening during the first few weeks of life! Newborns, who are called "obligatory nose breathers", must breathe through their nose. There is this congenital condition called choanal atresia where newborns don't have an opening at the back of their nose. These newborns cannot breathe unless they cry and breathe through their mouth. 2) When the adenoids and tonsils are large (refer to diagram; i circled the two parts), patients become mouth breathers and this is common in children. Normal people breathe and eat at the same time but children with large tonsils and adenoids cannot do this. They pause between eating to catch their breath. For these children, eating is a difficult chore. They take a longer time to finish their meals, become easily tired at mealtime and sometimes, do not grow normally. For adults, chronic nasal obstruction can be caused by: Yup, so that's about all I have for today (: Hopefully you have learnt more! Through this, you can see the importance of the nose and its structure. The nose actually plays a very significant role in our lives and without it, we cannot survive! -Hilda posted at
6:19 AM
today let's find out more interesting facts about the nose! it's time to be nosey! ^^ I shall tell you more about NASAL IRRIGATION ^^ any idea what's that? well, maybe you know, maybe you don't. To be truthful, i didn't know anything about it before i did any research. so for a start, i shall provide a short paragraph on what nasal irrigation is. (i highlighted important parts for faster reading ^^)
Nasal irrigation is a personal hygiene practice which involves flooding the nasal cavity with warm saline solution. The goal of nasal irrigation is to clear out excess mucus and particulates and moisturize the nasal cavity. Either a fluid-filled syringe or a neti pot can be used. The practice has been subjected to clinical testing and has been found to be safe and beneficial, with no apparent side effects
Jala neti, though relatively less known in Western culture, is a common practice in parts of India and other areas in South East Asia. It is performed daily, usually as the first thing in the morning with other cleansing practices. It may also be performed at the end of the day if one works or lives in a dusty environment. When dealing with problems of congestion it can be performed up to four times a day.
Haha. so now you know how nasal irrigation is like. there are actually a few ways of nasal irrigation if i'm not wrong. i came across another type where a little pipe is used instead of a neti pot. seriously, i thought it was a little disgusting. i can't imagine pouring saline solution into my nose! i guess i will start laughing and... sniff all the solution into my body?! haha so i think i should not try it. haha! well, whatever it is, if you ever imagined how certain people cleanse their nose, i hope you learnt one way today!
okay, to end off, here's the wonderful website whichprovided me with much of the information. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasal_irrigation
do you know that noseprints saves dog lives!?yes,thats absolutely true=)Nose prints are used to identify dogs in the same way finger prints are used to identify human beings. Breeders and trainers keep a dog's nose prints on file as part of its permanent record and insurance companies now require them whenever a dog is to be bonded. At one time paw prints were used as a means of canine identification, but these proved less accurate than noses. And while some owners have had microchips "installed" in their pets, these are more invasive and can be detected and removed. If you dog is ever lost or stolen, having his nose print on record could save his life!
and have you ever wondered to yourself why are dog noses always wet? and this is the time to correct yourself if you have always thought that that unpleasant fluid was urine!?! It is actually fluid from the lateral glands in a dog's nose lubricates the outsides of his nostrils and makes them moist and shiny. But mostly, the nose stays wet because your dog is always licking it (along with other parts). So, a moist nose has generally been considered as a healthy nose, but this isn't always true. For example, if a dog falls asleep in a hot place, his nose may be dry when he first wakes up. Once he cools down ,it gets rehydrated, his nose will soon look wet again.
first lets take a look at the video!=)
Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure which is usually performed by either an Otolaryngologist, Maxillofacial Surgeon, or general Plastic Surgeon in order to improve the function (reconstructive surgery) and/or the appearance (cosmetic surgery) of a person's nose. Rhinoplasty is also commonly called a "nose job". Rhinoplasty can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct birth defects or breathing problems. It can be combined with other surgical procedures such as chin augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results.
The first intranasal rhinoplasty in the West was performed by John Orlando Roe in 1887. It was later used for cosmetic purposes by Jacques Joseph (b. Jakob Lewin Joseph) in 1898 to help those who felt that the shape or size of their nose caused them embarrassment and social discomfort. His first rhinoplasty patient was a young man whose large nose caused him such embarrassment that he felt unable to appear in public. He approached Joseph because he had heard of a previous successful otoplasty, or "ear job," which the surgeon had performed.Rhinoplasty costs range from $3,000 to $8,000.
hmm,so how is rhinoplasty performed?!
it can be performed under a general anesthetic or with local anesthetic, depending on patient or doctor preference. Incisions are made inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty). Sometimes, tiny, inconspicuous incisions are also made on the columella, the bit of skin that separates the nostrils (open rhinoplasty). The surgeon first separates soft tissues of the nose from the underlying structures, then reshapes the cartilage and bone causing the deformity.
and yes!having a nose job done is certainly a very in-thing in hollywood now,
The Los Angeles Examiner of May 5, 1930, stated that: "Having one's nose shaped to fit the talkies is the most popular thing in Hollywood now. Hollywood plastic surgeons agree that more than 2000 facial beautification operations have been performed among film players within the past few years." Ashley Tisdale Nose Job: Before & After Pics
Michael Jackson plastic surgery photos
/ before and after rhinoplasty picture (nose job)
complications of rhinoplasty? of course there is!
i will give an examples that affects our nose for each section!
okay!so nose job isnt that safe afterall, after reading my post on nosejob, arent you more equipped with knowledge about what nose job is all about?=)
okay i guess i wouldn't want to talk about the nose and it's structure or functions in my daily posts because i believe there is sufficient information about this on the main page already. So i went to research and find out more about interesting facts related to the nose! :D It should be more fun to read; hopefully!
okay so, let's start. Today i found out more about 2 diseases related to the nose through online research and i shall tell you more about them briefly. first, i included a diagram below to show you some parts of the nose so that you can get a clearer understanding. Sorry the sides are a little blur but focus only on the circled parts will do.
Large tonsils and adenoids cause the following problems in children :
For some children, an acute infection of the tonsils can cause a complete obstruction of the upper airway and may require emergency hospitalizations or even emergency surgery.
If you have any comments regarding my post or even the whole blog in general, please tag at our tag board anytime you want! :D
go to: February 2008
go to: March 2008
HELLO=)don't you wanna know more about the nose? yes!so.. LETS BE NOSEY.frequent this blog to know more about the nose,this very important organ in our body!ENJOY!^^ =D